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Calypso Dreaming Page 3
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Page 3
In the yard the house’s shadow lay flat and broken-backed where it rose against the angle of the barn opposite. To her right stood the spur of whitewashed brick where Uncle John had set to building guest rooms. Davy Jones had referred to this scoffingly as John’s Folly. For there had been no guests.
“Nor ever will be, I reckon, not to speak of. If there’s a guest here it’ll be some rambler who forgot the time and missed the ferry back.”
“But why? Look at this place – it’s beautiful! They should be flocking here.”
“Ah, well, you’re seeing it at its best. But the weather …” Davy Jones mumbled something about the weather, but it was lost in his beard. “Once you get a reputation …”
This trick of mumbling dumbness was already familiar and Tansy knew better than to pursue him into its thickets.
One part of the reason had emerged later that evening, though not from the mouth of Davy Jones. They’d gone to the pub in the Haven. Two locals were playing dominoes in the public bar. Each sat with a half of stout that looked, as Geoff observed, more likely to evaporate than be drunk, at their rate. Once Hilary, using the excuse of an enquiry after toilets, had tried to prise open a conversation. The domino players had fallen silent and watched her, as one might watch a spider spinning.
Tansy did not merit even that much notice. Gazing at the lights on the fruit machine nearby, she had heard them mull over her Uncle John. “Not a patch on Owen Jones. Not a patch on Davy either. There hasn’t been a decent crop raised on that land since Owen Jones fell ill.”
The fruit machine said: Welcome to the Pleasure Dome, and cascading lights dazzled Tansy in the half-darkness. And the old men were peeling away the farm’s history, through the Jones who kept it before Owen Jones, and the Jones before that who was crushed by one of his own pigs, back to ancient Hwyl Jones who built the place. And how it was a shame it had gone to mainlanders, and how things had never been right with it since.
Though it was early morning Davy Jones was already about, helping himself to bacon and eggs from the kitchen. Someone (Davy probably) had already mopped down the floor.
He saw the surprise on Tansy’s face and laughed, a big Viking laugh. “Muzzle not the ox as it treads the grain,” he said. “I’ve been helping to look after this place so long, it’s become a habit.” He sat down to eat in the big armchair in the living room.
“Haven’t you a house of your own?” asked Tansy.
“Everything’s under control,” said Davy, a piece of fried bread pouched in his cheek. “The milking’s done, and I have other people to help me. It’s like that, Sweetholm. Everyone mucks in, like. You’ll find out.”
“It sounds a very friendly place.” Tansy watched him pour himself more tea, four sugars. She decided she would try to find these friendly islanders – if their friendliness wasn’t reserved for each other.
She entered the hall. Immediately opposite, her father’s brother, Uncle John, looked down at her from a large framed photograph, in which he was being awarded a trophy of some kind. Since he was wearing a wetsuit, Tansy supposed it must be for diving, though it was hard for her to think of paunchy Uncle John as athletic. She straightened the frame, which had become lopsided, and this led her to examine all the frames on the wall.
One was a map of Sweetholm, dated 1904. A century of grubby fingers had worn the Haven away entirely, but on either side Tansy saw the paths wind down to the cliffs. Westward, the moor was scattered with smallholders’ cottages, then the Tor, on either side of which the island petered out in dubious marshland, sound pebble beach that swirled into the hungry sand. The old priory church was marked ‘Ruins’. A ten-minute walk south would take her to Palmerston’s gun battery. The Haven lay ten minutes to the north.
Sweetholm had a past, of sorts: a past that exceeded its future. After the novelty of yesterday it was the island’s grim smallness that struck her now. Three months. That was a long time, especially if there were to be arguments. Would Mum and Dad get on here? Would they? They had started so well, with such good intentions. But already there were signs, which Tansy knew too well to be able to block out. Geoff’s defensiveness, the sarcasm that sometimes seemed as involuntary in her mother as a tic.
Back in Bristol there had been ways to escape the situation. The bus to the Mall, movies, friends’ rooms where she could take refuge. Especially Kate’s. Trouble was, Kate wasn’t her friend any more – not since it came out about Geoff and Gloria.
Tansy couldn’t blame her for that. After all, Gloria was Kate’s mother. What was worse, Kate had known nothing, all that time. But she guessed how much Tansy had known.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kate had demanded at last.
Kate hadn’t spoken to her for days. Finally, Tansy had been allowed into Kate’s room. Usually there was music playing, but today she could hardly speak for the silence.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kate’s voice was toneless, like the voice of a machine.
“It’s just, I didn’t want—”
“You knew! We were meant to be best friends. No secrets, remember?”
“Kate, I never wanted to hurt you.”
“If you’d been in my house that night you’d have seen what hurting was. My Dad was sobbing, begging her to tell him it was all lies.”
“I really thought they were going to end it. Then no one would have been hurt. Oh, Kate, I’m so sorry.”
“Go on, Sellotape it with a ‘sorry’. I bet that’s just what your dad does too.”
That had really hurt. But Kate didn’t guess the whole truth even then. Tansy didn’t tell her that the whole affair had been started by the Cursing Candle. And that was odd because the candle – all the magic, in fact – had been Kate’s idea to begin with.
Kate Quilley had always been given to fads. At first her parents probably dismissed the incantations and the supernatural gewgaws that had suddenly appeared in her room. They would soon be gathering dust, they assured themselves, like the well-thumbed shelf of Screams for Teens that had preceded them. So they were not too anxious when Kate came home one day with a fat church candle, even though the cabalistic signs on its side were said to have been daubed with cockerel’s blood. “She’ll grow out of it,” they sighed.
“It’s a Cursing Candle,” Kate explained to Tansy later. “One step up from wax dolls – and much more stylish. All you need to do is take a totem from your enemy and burn it. Then watch them droop and die.”
Tansy sounded faintly shocked, as she knew Kate wished her to. “Have you tried it out?”
“Not yet. That’s the trouble,” Kate complained. “I can’t think of anyone I hate enough.”
“Except for Mr Podgery,” said Tansy wearily as Kate’s hamster began yet another workout on his wheel in the corner of the room.
Kate watched meditatively as the plump little rodent galloped and clanked.
“What a wicked mind you have,” she said at last.
For years Kate had begged her mother for a pet. She had dreamed of a pony of her own, a dog, perhaps a kitten. She settled for a hamster in the end, though by the time Gloria relented Kate had almost lost interest. Four years later, Mr Podgery’s demands for food and clean bedding were more than she could bear. “If he was a human being he’d be over a hundred by now!” she would exclaim petulantly. “Roll up and see the world’s first immortal hamster!”
So they began with Mr Podgery. Kate and Tansy took a clipping of Mr Podgery’s hair and funnelled it into a twist of paper. The flame from Kate’s candle burned green as they lit it, whispering words of power. Inside its little paper coffin the hair crackled. Mr Podgery was belting round his cage as though the very devil were at his heels.
“I don’t like this, Kate. We shouldn’t have done it.”
“No one forced you.” Kate’s eyes were shining. Each reflected a small green lick of flame.
“I know. I feel sick. I know it’s stupid.”
“It’s only a bit of fun,” said Kate when it was
“I know.”
Nevertheless, the next morning Mr Podgery was dead. His legs were sticking up like wishbones. They put him in a shoebox and buried him near the compost heap.
For a good while afterwards neither of them mentioned the Cursing Candle. They pretended nothing had happened and at first pretending was easy. There were plenty of other things to claim their attention and exams were coming up. It was six weeks later that Kate came home livid because of the school play, where Carol Sage’s superior projection had robbed her of the chance to play Juliet opposite Frank Bonetti.
“You know Mr Finlay’s always had a soft spot for Carol,” Tansy consoled her.
“Never mind,” said Kate. She was dangling Carol’s choker from one finger. “Let’s see how she does without her voice.”
“You wouldn’t!” said Tansy in alarm. She understood at once what that smile meant.
Kate was already arranging the candle in the middle of the table. “Watch me.”
“Be serious, Kate! Mr Podgery – remember …’
“It’s all right, I only want to give her a head cold.”
“Mr Podgery got more than that.”
But Kate had already made a new funnel of paper and now she was slipping the bead choker into it. She lit the candle and flicked the wax away from the writing on its side. Finally she held the paper funnel over the flame.
The choker would not easily burn and more than once Kate had to poke it down towards the candle with the end of a pencil. When it finally caught it was with a green-blue flame as the plastic melted and dripped into the wax. It smelt foul.
All the time Kate was urging infections to take root in Carol Sage’s throat. “Come bronchitis, come halitosis!” Tansy tried to laugh – but Kate shot her an angry look. “This is serious, Tansy! Come tonsillitis, come you spirits of phlegm …”
It was a good spell. Kate was a natural: it was easy to see why she thought she deserved that part. In the following days, she and Tansy examined Carol closely for signs of encroaching fever. However, Carol and her voice remained unharmed. The play was played, Carol and Frank found true love, and walked around in dreamy smirking bliss. Kate fumed for a while, then forgot about Carol and the Candle too. She had moved on.
Tansy took up tapestry. She took up sketching. She discovered a talent for caricature and sold sketches to her friends. Planning a career for herself in Montmartre, she began to wear a floppy hat and occasionally a feather boa. Kate, by this time, was a mistress of the Tarot and in the evenings they had begun to collaborate on a special pack of their own. First, Tansy would draw a face, then on the reverse side Kate would inscribe her occult symbols. Friends, teachers and family would all be captured, and – although Kate and Tansy resolved to use their power exclusively for good – all would be brought under their sway. “It’s an experiment,” Kate would insist, “in sympathetic magic.”
One evening in November, Tansy was working on a sketch of her father’s face. They were in Kate’s bedroom, which had become more Gothic than ever in recent months. Gloria had forbidden matt-black wallpaper, but had been unable to stem the invasion of horned skulls and astrological posters that had transformed the place into a witches’ den. Thirteen candles flickered across the scene.
“What do you think?” said Tansy, pushing the card across the table. “Have I got him?”
“Not bad, my friend, not bad. The way his bottom lip hangs down! I hope it’s not genetic.”
When Kate left the room Tansy had taken Geoff’s card back again. She paused. Something was wrong with it. Turning it over, she realised what. She had already used the reverse side the previous evening, to draw Gloria. Silly – she must have taken it from the wrong pile. Gloria didn’t look much like Gloria any more, for that matter. The sketched face was darker than she’d thought, and rounder-mouthed. Kate had written under it: La Papesse. Briefly, she wondered whether to Tippex Gloria out. But she knew Kate would never stand for it. The hidden image would cause no end of psychic interference.
With a sigh, she held the card to the nearest candle until it sprang into green flame. It was a moment before Tansy recognised the crimson traces of a cabalistic symbol painted on the candle’s side. She pulled the card out at once, with a yelp of fright. It was too late, of course. The card flapped and writhed in the flame’s heat like a living thing. It curled over on itself, forcing her to drop it on the table. The last thing Tansy saw, before the card lost itself in ashes, was the pair of sketches she had made twining into each other – her own father and Kate’s mother, their faces fracturing and merging in the heat.
The next day Tansy came upon Frank Bonetti wandering across the school field. He was on his own. His skin had the blotchy complexion of one who has been crying, hard. At the back ofTansy’s mind there was already a note of alarm, a warning to stay silent and walk by. He watched her pass. A little further on, though, a girl from Tansy’s class had noticed her and was waiting.
“What’s up with him?" Tansy heard herself asking. She looked back at Frank Bonetti. “He been dumped or something?”
Gossip. Please let it be ordinary, who’s-going-out-with-who gossip.
“You haven’t heard?” said Tansy’s friend. “Carol’s in hospital.” The concern in her voice couldn’t disguise her eye-bright excitement as she told the story.
Carol and Frank had been fooling about with Frank’s skateboard, on the footpath down to the park. It had been getting dark and Carol, squatting on the board as it ran downhill, hadn’t seen the horizontal bar of the cycle barrier.
Tansy stood and listened.
“It got her in the throat, Tansy. Her windpipe!” Eye-Bright looked at her in awe. “They don’t think she’ll ever be able to talk again!”
The God-Botherers
“Why did you come now, Dominic? Why did it take you four years to start looking for me? Did you care if I was alive or dead?”
It had taken only one night to unravel Sophie and Dominic’s truce. Calypso was still in bed – although her open window overlooked the lawn on which Dominic, Sophie and Sal sat, watching the foragers buzz about the hive.
Dominic glanced quickly at Sal. “I knew you were alive.”
“Of course, you’ve got a direct line to God! So why didn’t you know how miserable I was?”
“I knew that too,” Dominic muttered.
“And you didn’t think to drop me a line, to visit? To phone, even once?”
Dominic bit back a word. “Where I was there were no phones. And you didn’t exactly leave a forwarding address. Life is not a game of hide and seek. While you were having your teenage rebellion, half the planet was crashing into ruin. You are my sister, Sophie, and I love you. But when I put your fate against the floods, the poison algae, the triple plagues—”
“You’re dribbling, Dominic,” said Sal.
“Put it in that scale and one person’s misery just doesn’t register. You and I don’t matter much to the world. No one person matters.”
“Screw the world! I needed you more.” Sophie threw the words at him like plates. Dominic let her. She would get tired, as she always did.
“At least,” she said, “you came here eventually.”
Dominic did not reply. He stroked the rim of his glass. Sophie heard the silence, and something unspoken in it. “Why did you come?” she asked.
“I sent for him,” said Sal beside her.
Sophie stared at Sal. Her mouth dropped.
“She did the right thing, Sophie,” Dominic began – but the look on his sister’s face silenced him.
“I can’t believe this,” she said, with a moan of despair. “I thought I could trust you, Sal.”
“It was Calypso,” Sal began, “the things that were happening to her. I was scared. For her and for you, Sophie. I couldn’t think of anyone else to ask. After that time with the music—”
“Music?” interrupted Dominic. “You didn’t tell me about that.”
Sal looked t
o Sophie for permission. Sophie held her gaze, then tossed it aside. “Tell him, then – tell him everything.”
Sal turned to Dominic. “It was about six months ago. This place wasn’t quite the same then. There were more passers-through, sneaking a holiday at Winstanley’s expense. We didn’t see so much of Winstanley himself. One was a nasty piece of work, a guy called Neil. We named him Masher. Just a joke at first, but later we found out he’d broken his parole and pulped a social worker’s face. He was trying to lie low, but someone like that can’t be anywhere without trying to take control. You never knew when he was going to take a swing at you. Most of the time he was drunk though, lying in his room with the speakers full up. All that beauty outside and he might as well have been in prison. The time Calypso was ill last Christmas, he kept everyone on edge with that machine-gun music. Sophie begged him to stop. He just pushed her out of his room, cracked her head against the stairs. Calypso saw that.”
“Now,” interrupted Sophie, “we don’t know if Calypso had anything to do—”
“Next morning we found him lying in bed. The tape was going round and round in the machine, but no sound except the hum of the speakers turned up full. We played it again afterwards. There was no sound on that tape, only the spindle squeaking—”
“Gulls,” said Sophie. “It was the gulls outside the window.”
“There was a trickle of blood coming from Neil’s ear. When we woke him he didn’t seem to know who he was. He couldn’t hear us at all. They said he had a perforated ear drum. As though a grenade had gone off just by his head, they said. Only none of us had heard a thing …”
“You can’t think Calypso would do a thing like that deliberately,” Sophie muttered.
“And something else. His arm was covered with little scratches and bite marks. A stoat, Davy Jones thought. But—”
“Don’t tell me, there are no stoats on Sweetholm,” Dominic said.
Sal grimaced. “Calypso has no guile. When Sophie asked her, she didn’t try to hide it. She just said, ‘But Mummy, he pushed you! He pushed you, Mummy!’ Those big eyes staring. It broke my heart.”